A Message From GOCHA President Regarding the Coronavirus

To our Glenoaks Canyon Community,

I am writing you at a time when we as a Canyon, State, and Country are facing a situation that most of us have not encountered in our lifetimes. Such a crisis certainly comes with uncertainty, anxiety and fear. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, one of the primary reasons that my wife and I have called Glenoaks Canyon our home for the last 20 years is because of the quality of the people who reside in this Canyon. It is during times like these that I would ask our wonderful Canyon residents to show their Glenoaks Canyon spirit to contact our elderly or immobile residents to make sure they have the resources they need to weather this crisis. Such contact can be made by a quick phone call or a knock on the door. I have already been informed by the Head of our Disaster Preparedness Program Isabelle Meyer that she and her volunteers are already do the same, but please do not rely solely on GOCHA to help our neighbors. I have heard that such preliminary contact has been very well received. Thank you,Isabelle, for this very kind gesture and your continued service to our Canyon.

While I fully understand that each of you must do what is best for you and your family, I would ask that you also show your Glenoaks Canyon spirit when you visit the local market and other establishments around town. Hopefully, we can work together to get through these very trying times, the worst of which may not yet be behind us. It certainly is wise to stock-up on needed essentials, but at a certain point such stocking-up can be at the detriment to your neighbors who are also in the same situation.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of GOCHA, I wish you all the best of health and resolve during these very trying times. I am hopeful and optimistic we can get through this crisis together.

 Rick Marquis
President, GOCHA