
Canyon Girl Scout Troop Collecting Donations for UNICEF on Halloween

girl_scoutsLocal Girl Scout Cadettes will be Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF on Halloween night!

Troop 14871 will be collecting coins for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) which helps provide clean water, immunizations, food and education to underprivileged children around the world. Please be on the lookout for the little orange collection boxes that may come to your door.

Thank you and have a safe and fun halloween!

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the area. The Glendale Police Department urges all of us to be aware that some of these solicitors may not be legitimate and has issued an Information Release about these Door-to-Door Solicitors. The memo can be found here: Glendale Police Information Release

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

Date Posted: 23 November 2010

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the city.  While this is legal, a permit must be obtained for any type of door-to-door advertising or soliciting in Glendale.

The larger concern is solicitors fraudulently seeking money for a charity or product they do not represent or will not deliver.  Some solicitors may identify themselves as living in the neighborhood when they may be not.  People can also pose as solicitors to avail themselves to unattended vehicles and homes.

Legitimate solicitors operate in Glendale, but they require a permit issued by the clerk’s office.  Advertisers who leave material at your home also require a permit.  Religious and non-profit organizations are allowed to distribute materials in the city without a permit as long as they are not seeking donations or selling a product.

If you are contacted by a solicitor, ask for their organization ID (or letter of introduction) and their city-issued permit.  If they cannot provide either, close your door.  Never let a stranger into your home.  You can contact the City Clerk’s office during normal business hours to verify a permit at (818) 548-2090.  You can alert the police to suspicious soliciting at (818) 548-4840. If the solicitor is aggressive or you feel endangered in any way, please call 911.

Below is a sample of a city issued permit.  The name and address of the permit holder will appear on the actual permit, and the words “File Copy” will not.

To learn more of the police department's Area Command strategy, please follow this link:

or copy and paste it into your browser's  URL window.

Boy Scouts and Salvation Army Collecting Canned Goods in the Canyon

The Boy Scouts in our area are partnering with our local Salvation Army to try to stock up the food pantry before the holidays. This weekend (November 13) scouts will be dropping off paper bags on our porches. If you'd like to help, fill the bags with canned goods and simply leave the bags in a visible place at 9am on the following Saturday, November 20th. The bags will be picked up without disturbing your Saturday at all. Last year this canyon donated 1 ton of food to the Salvation Army... Pretty amazing. The scouts are looking forward to our help again this year. Remember...pickup is 9am November 20.  So fill those bags.  And thanks in advance!