
City Council Meeting to Discuss Addition of Bike Lanes in Glendale

The City Council will host a “study session” at 3:00 pm on Tuesday March 27th (prior to the regular Council Meeting) to gain input from staff and other sources regarding the proposed addition of Bike Lanes in the City of Glendale. The session should last about 2 hours. All concerned citizens are encouraged to attend the session and voice their opinions – both pro and con.  Council will use the input for further study the program. There is nothing scheduled yet as to when the Council will bring up the program for a vote.

We urge all Canyon residents to participate in the study session and verbally present their ideas regarding adding bike lanes to Glenoaks Boulevard to our Council. if you can't make it to the meeting, please email your thoughts about bike lanes in Glendale to

Glenoaks Canyon Rehabilitation Meeting Monday Night

Important meeting Monday night 6pm at the Glenoaks Elementary School Auditorium to discuss the rehabilitation of Glenoaks Blvd.

This meeting will discuss the plans and impact of the rehabilitation of Glenoaks Blvd. from Harvey up to the entrance of Scholl Canyon Park.

At the meeting there will also be discussion of bike lanes on Glenoaks Blvd. that have been proposed in the Glendale Bicycle Master Plan and will be voted on at an upcoming City Council meeting.

If you are at all interested in seeing how the resurfacing and potential restriping of Glenoaks Blvd. will affect us as residents of the canyon, you should definitely plan on attending.

Neighborhood Watch Meeting Tonight - March 1, 2012

There is a Special Meeting tonight hosted by Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association (GOCHA) and the Glenoaks Canyon Neighborhood Watch and presented by the Glendale Police Department. The meeting is tonight, Thursday, March 1st from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.

Please join us and your neighbors and learn how you can protect yourself and help make our canyon a safer neighborhood for all of us at this important meeting.

Click here for more information.

[ALERT] Home Burglarized on Mt. Carmel Tuesday

There was a residential burglary on Tuesday on Mt. Carmel which occurred between the hours of 8:50am and 11:00am.  The point of entry was a bedroom window accessible from the hillside.  The front door was the point of exit and was left shut, but not locked.  Items taken include: two large screen televisions and jewelry.  All bedrooms were ransacked.

The Glendale Police Department is talking to neighbors and working leads.  The previous residential burglary was late in the day on a Friday (January 27 between 5:00PM-7:00PM) at the top of the Canyon.

Things to be vigilant about:

  • Keep watch on neighbors who have set routines.  They are predictable and become targets.
  • If you have access to your home from the side, consider fortifying the back like you would the front.
  • Look outside and pay attention to unusual activity.  If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

Last week, we had thefts from several unlocked cars.  Interestingly, a block captain several neighborhoods over (Glenmore and Trenton) called in at 3:30am to report a male in a hoodie carrying a backpack trying door handles….How much do you want to wager that the next place he headed was up the Canyon?


[ALERT] More Criminal Activity in Canyon

Fellow Glenoaks Residents:

We continue to have break-ins and burglaries in our canyon. Please read this important message from Glendale Police Officer Sue Shine.

Four vehicles were broken into overnight on Feb 15 in the Canyon. Here is what I have:

On Coutin Lane: vehicles were left unlocked and parked on street. Contents were rummaged through and miscellaneous items (ID, credit cards) were taken from one.

Up on East Glenoaks, another car was locked and access was made by unknown means (possible Slim Jim type tool). Items shuffled and sunglasses taken. In the same area, there was a report of entry to a home through a garage on Ashburton. Once inside, thieves took surfboards and a bike.

These do not sound like seasoned thieves. I think we are dealing with some young, possibly drug addicted youth looking for folks who are easy targets. Usually, they go back to the same well until it is dry. Please tell your neighbor who has a habit of leaving the car unlocked to lock it. Also, remind folks to remove EVERYTHING that even LOOKS valuable from the car every night. Lastly, shut your garage unless you are in it and if you are one who comes or goes in the wee hours, be watchful. Most of these crooks are on foot and operate between 0100-0500hrs. If you see anyone not otherwise occupied walking a dog or jogging,  call 818-548-4841 and report the description, location, and what they are doing (walking up driveways, carrying a flashlight and looking into cars, trying door handles of cars, etc).

Be careful and stay vigilant. If we all keep an eye out for each other and report suspicious activity, eventually these criminals will get the message and move out of the canyon.

Be safe.

Crime Alert

Yesterday afternoon, a Glendale resident reported a group of people assertively walking onto their property, making inquiries about rentals and asking to look in back yards.  The incident occurred near Verdugo Woodlands School.  Last month, a male claimed to be from the "Water Company" near Adventist Hospital and attempted to gain access to the home and yard of the resident.  Based upon the description of the individuals, the method they are using to gain access, and the out of state plate obtained yesterday (Ohio), it appears we are experiencing new gypsy scams.  Some of these scams will appear legitimate (door to door sales of fertilizer, driveway repair solicitors, "city" workers doing inspections), but all types are criminal. Many use multiple people, including children in an effort to confuse or distract the victim.  Other groups will use numbers and force their way into a home after their ruse has failed.  The goal is to relieve you of cash or property. What can you do?  If anyone comes to your yard or door soliciting ANYTHING, ask for their City of Glendale Permit.  Chances are, that will be enough for them to move on.  If you see them going door-to door and suspect criminal intent, see if there is an involved vehicle and write down the plate.  Then call (818) 548-4841 to report the details of the scam to dispatch.  Please be patient if it takes us awhile to respond.  We are responding to calls citywide and it may be some time before an officer can break to respond.  If you have the description and a license plate, your statement should be all they need.

If you would like more information on what our City Clerk does permit, or to verify one shown to you, their number is: 818-548-2090

Neighborhood Watch Training and Information Meeting June 29th

Come join Officer Sue Shine and your Glenoaks Canyon neighbors for a Neighborhood Watch training and burglary prevention meeting.

While the crime in our canyon is extremely low, the Glendale Police Department wants to help us institute a neighborhood watch program so we can keep our canyon safe for all of us.

The meeting will be held on June 29, 2011 at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.


5:30 - 6:00  Arrive early for introductions

6:00 - 7:00  Burglary prevention slideshow/Crime overview

7:00 - 7:30  What is Neighborhood Watch?

7:30 - 8:00  Meet neighbors and sign up

Click here to see the Flyer.

[UPDATE] Neighborhood Watch Meeting Cancelled

Officer Sue Shine and GOCHA have decided to cancel Thursday evening's meeting due to the conflict with Glenoaks School's Open House.  It will be rescheduled and we will let you know the new date as soon as it has been arranged.  Sorry for the last minute notice but we want the kick off meeting to be as well attended as possible.  Thank you for your interest in this new program. We will see you soon.

Glenoaks Canyon Neighborhood Watch Program Being Initiated

Officer Sue Shine from the Glendale Police Department will be at Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park this coming Thursday, May 26th from 6-8 PM to help us set up a Neighborhood Watch Program here in the canyon. Hope you can join us for this important meeting.

New City Ordinance Adopted

Fire roadThanks to the efforts of GOCHA, the Glendale PD, the Glendale FD, and the City Council, a new ordiance was passed closing "fire hazard severity zones" or open hillsides between the hours of 10pm and 6am. This will hopefully curb partying and other activities in the hillsides that pose potential fire hazards. The ordiance is not just for our canyon but for all of Glendale. Here is the ordinance:

9.20.165 Closure of specified public property and facilities. No person, except peace officers and city employees, shall be or remain on, between the hours of ten p.m. on any day and four a.m. of the following day, the property as described in this section which is owned, operated, administered or maintained by the city unless that person is on the property pursuant to officially sanctioned city business, or such person is engaged in a scheduled activity of the city, or the person has written authorization of the director or city employee who has responsibility for the property: A.      Any public park, playground, recreation facility, or recreation facility grounds;

B.      The Civic Center Square;

C.      The libraries and library grounds;.

D.      Any fire hazard severity zone, or hillside open space area, access to which is controlled by means of a gated fire road, except that persons may enter the property after Four a.m. on any day for the purpose of jogging or bicycling thereupon. SECTION 2.  If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.